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Telltale Signs It’s Time to Seek Counseling


Seeking counseling doesn’t mean you are “weak” or your problems are insurmountable. Instead, it represents a step toward taking care of your mental health, similar to seeking medical help for physical ailments. While people may differ in their thresholds for seeking professional support, it is crucial for the public to be aware of common indicators signaling the need for such help. That’s where we at Carolina Community Support Services, Inc., advocates of optimal mental health in Durham, North Carolina, come in!

Apart from delivering reliable support services, we also see to it that our community can turn to us when they require mental health-related resources. That said, allow us to share with you some of the most telling signs that it’s time to seek counseling:

  • Persistent Emotional Distress

    If you’re enduring extended periods of sadness, anxiety, anger, or other intense emotions that are hard to cope with, it could indicate that seeking counseling therapy in North Carolina might be advantageous. Neglecting these signals may have a notable impact on your daily functioning.

  • Struggling to Adapt to Life Transitions

    Challenges can arise from significant life events such as separation, bereavement, unemployment, or moving to a new place. If you’re finding it hard to navigate these changes and it is affecting your overall well-being, counseling can offer valuable support and effective coping strategies.

  • Dependence on Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

    If you are depending on harmful coping mechanisms like substance abuse, excessive drinking, overeating, or engaging in risky behaviors as a means of handling stress or emotions, professional help is urged.

Be it for individual or group therapy, you can confidently place your trust in us.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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